Chromium Green Oxide Pigment Powder

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Inspired by nature, Chromium Green Oxide Pigment Powder is refreshingly bright and beautiful…

This pigment has a strong chromatic profile and can be likened to the colour ‘chrome green’, and won’t bleed when used in plastics, glass, ink or other coatings.

Produced from the metal Chromium, it does not corrode in super-hot temperatures, so is used widely in industry where extreme temperatures are necessary. For simpler applications, Chromium Green Oxide is also suitable for paper applications; even vinyl and laminate floorings.

This oxide powder is sometimes used as an additive in leather, cloth or material that help to straighten and polish or ‘strop’ knife blades.

Chromium Green has a brilliant capacity to withstand adverse weather conditions and does not degrade under prolonged exposure to ultra-violet light. This product is insoluble in solvents and acids.

Prefer another colour? View our full range of oxide pigments here.

Please view MSDS and TDS before using this product.

Contact us for custom or bulk orders.

Please fully test our products before print runs, projects, installations and production.

Colours and packaging may vary.